Accreditation in health and social care sectors

Source: UKAS

The current UKAS business plan has a strong focus on advancing the use of accreditation in the health and social care sectors. The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) has been in discussion with the Department of Health about where accreditation can be used and how to ensure UKAS’ role and status in delivering accreditation is fully understood. To ensure clarity, in July 2014 BIS and the Department of Health submitted an agreement on accreditation in health and social care to the UKAS Policy Advisory Forum – Health and Social Care Sub-Group, and this has now been published on the BIS website.

The policy agreement states that in accordance with EU and UK legislation, health and social care quality assurance schemes should be developed with the engagement of UKAS. Consequently, UKAS’ role as the National Accreditation Body now applies in the health and care sectors as in all others.
