Original Author: Assent Risk Management
Original Links: http://www.assent1.com/1243-2/


We have long recognised that People are the strength of our business and have build a great team of consultants and back office staff in-house, but working in collaboration with others from outside our business has also helped us provide the best expert knowledge to clients across the UK.


Consultant Colab

colab logo-1 copy-01In December 2015, as part of our on-going development, we have launched a website dedicated to engaging with People in the industry: www.assentpeople.co.uk/consultant-colab/

The site includes a Consultant Colab section, which sets out our relationship with consultants around the UK and provides a password-protected area to access key handbooks, policies and documents.

In addition, our first consultants’ newsletter is going out in January 2016, keeping everyone up-to-date and encouraging the sharing of industry knowledge.


Payment within 30 Days

We are pleased to announce that from January 2016 we will begin paying our external consultants within 30days of invoice – regardless of when the client pays us.

This is an important commitment that, we believe, shows the high value we place on those who work with us.


A People Vision for 2016

Its our vision for 2016 to further develop our people resourcing capacity, enabling us to introduce and support candidates in to full time risk management roles with companies – picking up where our consultancy services finish.


Please visit www.assentpeople.co.uk for more.