The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016

  • Consolidates 15 amendments to the 2010 regulations plus additional updates.
  • Includes the April 2016 extension to cover flood risk activities.
  • Retransposes 15 Directives.

The updated Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 replace those enacted in 2010 and consolidates 15 amendments since, by consolidating them in to one piece of legislation.

It includes the provisions made in April 2016 to include flood risk activities as a regulated facility and adds a correction to allow the Canal and Rivers Trust [and others] to dredge without the need for a permit under a flood risk activity scheme in England (Schedule 25 of the act).

Rules for mobile crushing of lamps that contain mercury (the T17 exemption) has also been revised in the 2016 regulations.

More information:



Core Guidance:–2