The Export Control (Amendment) (No.3) Order 2017

In order to meet the Directive international and EU responsibilities, the United Kingdom must implement the changes being made to the ICT Directive.

Changes being made to the European Common Military Control List (“the CML”) subsequent to the agreement of technical changes made in the Wassenaar Arrangement have been implemented by the Third 2017 Order.

This applies to the whole of the United Kingdom.

As a direct consequence of the UK’s membership of the international export control regime (Wassenaar Arrangement) and of the European Union, changes have been made. Control lists are kept updated and applicable to changing conditions and technological developments.

The majority of adjustments to Schedule 8 of the 2008 order are largely to clarify existing controls, and are mostly minor in nature and technical. Examples of the changes being made include supplying a definition of “airship”; confirming that “explosives” include “explosive co-crystals” (and explaining what “explosive” co-crystals are); and placing items within quotation marks, thereby making the reader aware that such items are defined terms.


The website already provides guidance on the 2008 Order and subsequence amendments. The latest changes will be published in a further notice to Exporters. Organisations and individuals listed with the Export Control Joint Unit will have these notices dispersed to them automatically.


There will be no major impacts on businesses, charities or voluntary bodies, for example no costs. This is because the result of the changes being made is already in operation in the UK.

Again, there is no major impact on the public sector, the slight adjustments to the relevant current control lists will have hardly any consequence on the management of the existing export control regime.

The legislation applies to activities that are undertaken by small businesses.


Ian Bendelow at the Department for International Trade

Telephone: 020 7215 8692


Can answer any queries regarding the instrument.