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The international standard for environmental management has been published (15th September 2015) and organisations are beginning to update their certificates.

Be one of the first to Certify.

What’s New in ISO 14001?

There’s never been a better time to achieve ISO 14001 certification:

• Uniformed ISO clause structure (Annex SL).
• More Practical Risk based approach.
• Less mandatory documents.
• No more preventive actions!
• More emphasis on the ‘context’ of your organisation.
• More emphasis on the ‘leadership” of your organisation.
• Better integration with other standards.

ISO 14001 Certification Process

If you have an existing ISO 14001 certification the process will vary depending on your certification body however in general there is a 3 year transition period.

Some certification bodies are using scheduled surveillance visits to make the transition, while others are requiring additional days to cover the changes.

New to Certification? We can recommend UKAS certification bodies that are ready to begin your ISO 14001 journey with you.

How we can help.

We have ISO 14001:2015 transition training & ISO 14001:2015 Awareness training ready for your organisation.

Gap Analysis

Our auditors will review your arrangements and tell you where the gaps are with ISO 14001:2015.

Our consultants will guide you through the implementation process with a series of visits.

Not Ready Just Yet?

Join our mailing list on www.assentriskmanagement.co.uk to stay up to date and check our ISO Revisions page www.assentriskmanagement.co.uk/isorevisions.

Buy the Standard

Get started by purchasing a copy of the standard from the BSI Shop.