‘Leaving for a new job? Don’t walk off with personal information’, warns ICO

Source: ICO

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is warning employees that walking off with the personal information of their employer when changing jobs is a criminal offence.

The warning comes on the day a paralegal, who previously worked at Jordans Solicitors in Dewsbury, Yorkshire, was prosecuted for illegally taking the sensitive information of over 100 people before leaving for a rival firm in April 2013. The information was contained in six emails sent by James Pickles in the weeks before he left the firm. Pickles had hoped to use the information, which included workload lists, file notes and template documents but still contained sensitive personal data, in his new role.

More: http://ico.org.uk/news/latest_news/2014/leaving-for-a-new-job-dont-walk-off-with-personal-information-warns-ico-09092014