New Changes to Road Safety Laws

The number of road accidents seems to be increasing in the UK, so over the past two months, four key changes to road safety laws have been introduced.

It’s extremely important for you to reduce transport risks and protect your employees. Make sure that everyone within your company understands the new changes to road safety laws.

Speeding Fines

On 24th April speeding fines will be raised – the maximum being an increase of 150%, that’s £2,500 from £1,000.

Being introduced to motorists is a 3-band system which determines the amount a speeder will be fined and the number of points that’ll be put onto their license.

Band A offences are for people who’ve exceeded the limit between 1-10mph, they have minimum punishments. For exceeding the limit by 11-20mph are Band B punishments and lastly, for exceeding the limit by 21mph or more comes Band C which has the worst punishments.

A fine of up to 175% of the driver’s weekly income could be charged if they’re caught speeding and they could also be banned for up to 56 days.

Mobile Phones

A strict new law about mobile phones has been introduced, which could mean that drivers who’ve had their licenses for under 2 years could be excluded from the roads if they use their mobile just once.

Motorists who’re spotted on their devices when driving, stopped at the traffic lights, waiting in traffic or even when the engine is running will receive a charge of £200 (double the fee before) and six points on their license.

It is legal to use a handsfree device.

Sat Navs in the Driving Test

It’s been decided that from the 4th December, driving tests will require the learner to follow instructions from a Sat Nav correctly to pass.

The Sat Nav shall be provided and set up with the route by the driving examiner and the learner is able to request for conformation on where they’re driving.

Not all tests will require a Sat Nav; one in five participants will have to follow road signs.

As well as this new change, learners will be required to drive independently for 20 minutes instead of 10.

Child Car Seats

Backless car seats are more dangerous than car seats with backs in car crashes, therefore as from the 1st March, manufacturers can no longer create new backless booster seats for children shorter than 125cm or weighing less than 22kg.