Home Workers and BYOD Advice from ICO

Source: ICO

Organisations urged to check home working policies are up to scratch

The ICO is warning organisations to make sure that they have adequate measures in place to make sure personal information being accessed and used by home workers is being kept secure.

The warning comes after Aberdeen City Council was served with a penalty of £100,000 after sensitive personal information relating to the care of vulnerable children was inadvertently posted online by one of their home workers. The information was freely available for a three-month period before a council employee spotted it and the information was taken down.

Our investigation found that the council had no means of monitoring how personal information was being accessed and used by their home workers and provided no guidance to help people working from home keep personal information secure. 

We have produced guidance to help organisations make sure personal information is being kept secure when being accessed outside of the office. This includes our recently published ‘Bring Your Own Device’ guidance, which explains the measures organisations should have in place when allowing employees’ to use personal devices, such as their laptop or smartphone, to access personal data.  BYOD