Brexit Beginnings, Tesco Computer Glitch & more. Risk Digest 23rd June 2017

Here’s your Risk Digest for the Week Ending 23rd June 2017

Cookie Law

Information Security

PayPal Phishing Attack Demands Selfie With Photo ID

An unusually authentic-looking phishing scam attempts to obtain a photo of the target in order to launder stolen funds.


Dating Scams Rife In Norfolk, While Cyber Fraud Rises In The UK

Consumer watchdog Which? has created a map highlighting cyber scam hotspots

Health & Safety

Grenfell Tower block tragedy

It has been claimed 79 people are now believed to have died following the horrific fire last Wednesday at the Grenfell Tower block of flats in north Kensington, west London.


Fine due to failings in work at height rescue planning

North East-based contractor Pyeroy Ltd has been fined due to failings in their work at height rescue planning.

Business Continuity

Tesco home deliveries hit by computer glitch

Thousands of Tesco customers have had home deliveries cancelled as a result of a computer glitch that is affecting services nationwide.


Execution risk: why business continuity strategies sometimes fail

When it comes to business continuity, developing a strategy is often the focus of efforts; but what actually counts is execution. Campbell Macpherson looks at why strategies fail and what organizations can do to ensure success in this area.


FSA launches Safe Summer Food guide as UK picnickers head out in the sun

Over 20 million people in the UK (40%) plan to get out into the great outdoors for a picnic this summer but al fresco dining doesn’t come without worry for some.


E E Wholesale recalls its Equal Exchange Organic Dark Tahini

Point of sale notices have been displayed in all retail stores that are selling this.


Plastic pollution in the Antarctic worse than expected

The continent is considered to be a pristine wilderness compared to other regions and was thought to be relatively free from plastic pollution.


London’s entire transport system to be zero emission by 2050, pledges Sadiq Khan

Number of car journeys to be cut by three million each day.


Record levels of green energy in UK create strange new world for generators

As the sun shone on millions of solar panels and unseasonable gusts turned thousands of turbine blades last Sunday, something remarkable happened to Britain’s power grid.


Future Energy: China leads world in solar power production

Ten years ago, Geof Moser had just graduated with a master’s degree in solar energy from Arizona State University – but he didn’t feel much opportunity lay at his feet in his home country.


Your favourite UK coastal walks: readers’ travel tips

From the west’s granite cliffs and stunning beaches to the calmer shores and vast estuaries of the east, the UK must be one of the world’s best locations for long or short hikes by the sea.


This is how the sun really is making you happier

Have you ever wondered how the sun effects your mood?


M&S Are Going To Zap Your Avocados With A Laser Instead Of Using Sticky Labels

Marks and Spencer will start labelling its avocados using lasers instead of stickers.


Hyper Chariot: 4,000mph pods could go from London to Edinburgh in 8 minutes, company claims

People could soon travel from London to Edinburgh in eight minutes, claims Hyper Chariot, a company that has announced its intention to build an extremely ambitious new transport system.


Barclays charged with fraud in Qatar case

Barclays and four former executives have been charged with fraud over their actions in the 2008 financial crisis.


Oil prices PLUNGE: New woe heaped on Saudi Arabia’s battered economy

OIL prices have crashed to their lowest level in seven months, putting fresh pressure on Saudi Arabia’s efforts to stabilise its economy.


Chancellor Philip Hammond warns: We must avoid Brexit ‘cliff edge’

The Chancellor says the economy must be a priority in talks, as the public “did not vote to become poorer” when they voted Brexit.


SNP threatens to derail May’s ‘orderly’ Brexit unless Scotland gets mass of new powers

SNP ministers have threatened to derail the UK Government’s plans for an “orderly” Brexit unless they are handed a swathe of new powers repatriated from Brussels.

The Lighter Side    

Killer whales ‘chasing’ Alaskan fishermen to steal catch

A fisherman says his crew tried to use sound machines to deter the whales, but they soon became “a dinner bell” for orcas.


Quick-thinking elephants save the day

It’s a group effort to get baby back on dry land.


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