Here’s your Risk Digest for the Week Ending 3rd June 2016.
Information Security
Tech Week Europe, 26/05/16
Tech City News, 01/06/16
G7 nations commit to ending ‘inefficient’ fossil fuel subsidies by 2025
Utility Week, 01/06/16
Official Statistics: Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in the UK
Environment Agency , 01/06/16
UK palm oil-based biodiesel consumption is zero to date in 2015/16
Renewable Energy Association, 31/05/16

Health & Safety, Wellbeing
The Control of Electromagnetic Fields at Work Regulations 2016
Risk Briefing, 01/06/16
Promoting CQC registration and good or outstanding ratings
CQC, 10/05/16
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We have no affiliation with third party websites and they do not represent us or our views.
All links were available at the time of this post.