Risk Digest: 4th November 2016

Here’s your Risk Digest for the Week Ending 4th November 2016.

Protection concept: pixelated Shield icon on digital background

Information Security

Barclays “Glitch” Causes Double Charging.

Barclays Bank has announced that a “Glitch” has caused some customers to be charged twice.


Twitters Sponsored Tweets Used for Credit Card Phishing.

Twitter’s promoted tweet service has been used by cyber criminals to dupe its users into handing over login credentials and payment information as part of a credit card phishing scam.

Occupational Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Lorry Driver Signed Mobile Phone Declaration Hours Before Crash.

A lorry driver who caused the deaths of four while scrolling through music on his mobile phone had signed a declaration against using his mobile phone while driving just hours before the incident.


Hundreds ill after Norovirus Outbreak at Wahaca Restaurant.

Over 300 people have been taken ill after a suspected outbreak of norovirus at Wahaca, a Mexican restaurant chain.


DVLA Announces Changes to CPC Card Schedule

The DVLA has announced that drivers who complete their CPC Card Periodic Training more than a 12 months before their deadline will no longer be sent their card straight away

Shelf of Old Canadian Law Books

Business Continuity

Are You Ready for Winter?

As the colder, wetter weather arrives, is your organization ready for the potential strain?


Preparations for the New £1 Coin Begin.

Organisations are being encouraged to begin preparing staff and machines for the new, more secure £1 coin.



Diwali Celebrations Add to India’s Smog Problem.

The vast festival of Diwali, with all its fireworks displays, has left India in a blinding smog.


Government Rejects Coffee Cup Charge.

The Government has rejected plans for a plastic-bag style charge on “disposable” coffee cups.



Tesla Unveils First Solar Roof Tiles

Tesla has demonstrated the first solar roof tiles, designed to be more efficient and more aesthetically pleasing that roof-mounted solar panels.


Energy Efficiency Could Deem Properties “Un-Lettable”

Properties with low energy efficiency ratings could soon become very difficult to let or sell, as tenants look for cost savings a longevity.

Electronic devices


Artificial Intelligence: Current Trends and Future Developments.

In her second article on artificial intelligence, Dr Helen Beers, technical lead at the HSE’s foresight centre at the Health and Safety Laboratory, explains the current trends of AI, including how machines obtain knowledge and the future implications of this.


Google AI Neural Networks Learn Encryption

Google has created an artificial intelligence (AI) system that can produce cyber security encryption independent of human-made algorithms.

happy person jumping for joy on beach summer vacation


Is Your Workplace Among Britain’s Healthiest?

Britain’s Healthiest Workplace is the UK’s most comprehensive workplace wellness study, and it is now open for registrations for 2017.


National Stress Awareness Day: Handling Stress in the Workplace.

Today is National Stress Awareness Day. “Stress” is a word we seem to be hearing a lot these days, yet despite Health and Safety Law requiring organisations to take appropriate combative steps, some are still lagging behind on dealing with the problem itself.

Tastatur Europa


Is Chancellor’s Idea of UK Tech Future Less Believable Post-Brexit?

Government outlines ambition to make technology the poster child for Britain’s economy after EU exit, but Brexit and unanswered questions remain
Brexit Court Defeat for UK Government

Parliament must vote on whether the UK can start the process of leaving the EU, the High Court has ruled.


The Lighter Side

Public Asked to Record Witch Markings

Members of the public are being asked to help create a record of ritual markings on buildings that were once believed to ward off evil spirits.


Father Makes Son’s Drawings a Reality.

If you’ve ever wondered what the world looks like through the eyes of a child, then look no further than the Instagram feed Things I have drawn.


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All links were available at the time of this post.