Risk Digest: Airline Passengers’ Data is at Risk + More

Airports put passenger data at risk, the plan to ban combustible cladding, the Prime Minister’s bill to protect the environment and more!

Information Security

“A new report, Attention All Passengers: Airport Networks Are Putting Your Devices & Cloud Apps at Severe Risk, released by Coronet found that some of America’s airports are cyber-insecure.” Read the full article here.


“Researchers have uncovered vulnerabilities in a connected vacuum cleaner lineup that could allow attackers to eavesdrop, perform video surveillance and steal private data from victims.” Read the full article here.

Health & Safety

“Government plans to ban the use of combustible cladding in new high-rise buildings do not go far enough, a cross-party group of MPs has warned.” Read the full article here.

“A contractor, client and director have been convicted after conditions at a building site were found to be dangerous.” Read the full article here.


“Research says a third of people struggle to complete food orders because they can’t say names correctly” Read the full article here.


“Heatwaves can be fairly hard to navigate food-wise. Once the initial joy of finally seeing some sun subsides, many are plagued by a loss of appetite which could leave you feeling unwell during the hotter temperatures.” Read the full article here.


“A bill to protect the environment has been announced by the prime minister.” Read the full article here.


“Rising global meat consumption is likely to have a devastating environmental impact, scientists have warned.” Read the full article here.


“The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has launched a consultation to seek views on the future of support for small-scale, low carbon electricity generation.” Read the full article here.


“A national energy guarantee with a more ambitious emissions reduction target of 45% by 2030 would lead to power prices falling over the life of the scheme in contrast to the Turnbull government’s proposal, according to new modelling.” Read the full article here.


“They’re the most popular food supplement in the UK with British people spending an estimated £60 million on them each year. But are omega-3 fish oils really worth it when it comes to protecting your heart health?” Read the full article here.


“25 photos you won’t believe were taken on an iPhone” Read the full article here.


“A network of giant balloons will soon bring internet access to remote regions of rural Kenya.” Read the full article here.

Pension IGCs


“Bank shakes up leadership of financial institutions team in Europe to allow Stefan Wintels to focus on all-important Frankfurt office” Read the full article here.


“Sterling’s plunge after the Brexit vote helped attract record numbers of overseas visitors to Britain last year, according to official figures.” Read the full article here.


“The European Union must “evolve” its position on Brexit and not fall back on unworkable proposals regarding the Irish border, Theresa May has said.” Read the full article here.


“The Irish government is open to the possibility of a fresh proposal for a deal on the Irish border but, in a blow to Theresa May, says it will consider a new plan only if it is better than the one currently on the table.” Read the full article here.

The Lighter Side     

“As a means of boosting bee populations, Virginia has launched a new program that distributes beehives and beekeeping equipment directly to state beekeepers.” Read the full article here.


“When a certain work assignment brought me to Nebraska for two weeks, this Canadian was given a wonderful opportunity to become immersed not only in the passion and pride of American culture, but in the generous nature of the Heartland.” Read the full article here.


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