Risk Digest: Global warming to wipe out ‘many if not most’ animals in Protected Areas +More

Microsoft’s chief executive talks about the importance of privacy, global warming is set to wipe out most, if not all, animals by the end of the century, an article on Bitcoin and more hot topics from around the web.


Information Security

“Microsoft’s chief executive Satya Nadella has spoken out about the importance of privacy and the ‘responsibility’ of tech companies to build trust.” Read the full article here.


“Hacker treasure trove. Equifax data breach also saw the theft of data belonging to 3,200 passports” Read the full article here.

Health & Safety

“An EU-wide campaign to raise awareness of the risks that dangerous substances pose to workers has been launched by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA).” Read the full article here.


“Highways England has released new video footage to highlight the danger reckless motorists can cause to road workers.” Read the full article here.


“Food bills could rise sharply if there is no free trade deal with the European Union after Brexit, peers have warned.” Read the full article here.


“It has been one of the most popular flavours of ice cream for generations and its taste is synonymous with the traditional British summer.” Read the full article here.


“Environment Agency and Yorkshire & Humber Regional Organised Crime Unit carried out enforcement action at a residential address this morning (Tuesday 9 May 2018) following an in-depth investigation into illegal dumping of waste. One 46 year old male was arrested and evidence was seized.” Read the full article here.


“Global warming is set to wipe out “many if not most” of the animals living in protected parts of the world’s oceans by the end of the century, scientists predict.” Read the full article here.


“California is set to require solar panels on new homes and low-rise apartment buildings starting in 2020, the first such mandate in the country and the state’s latest step to curb greenhouse gas emissions.” Read the full article here.


“We stand on the point of a genuine energy revolution. Electric vehicles, until very recently the preserve of a small environmentally minded elite, are now a feature of public transport for the first time.” Read the full article here.


Google has unveiled its brand-new mobile operating system called Android P. The new operating system contains a number of major updates but the most significant of them are a series of new features around well-being and mental health.” Read the full article here.


“Mental health and well-being is a prominent issue in the modern workplace, with HR and management placing an increased focus on this.” Read the full article here.


“Google has unveiled artificial intelligence software that books appointments over the phone on behalf of users by conducting voice-based conversations on their behalf.” Read the full article here.


“Few technologies have the ability to stir passionate online debate and baffle the vast majority of the population as bitcoin. The virtual currency has rocketed up in recent days following a steady decline, and one Bitcoin is now worth more than $7,600 after a price spike.” Read the full article here.


“The pound has got off to a rather poor start. Sterling pared recent gains against the euro on Thursday morning, limited by news that British industrial output barely rose in March, whilst overseas trade and the latest construction results also disappointed.” Read the full article here.


“Argentina is to start talks about a financing deal with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Wednesday amid reports it is seeking $30bn (£22bn).” Read the full article here.


“A Brexit supporting economist has made a bold call for the UK to begin acting like an independent nation immediately, instead of waiting until after the Brexit transition deal.” Read the full article here.


“A new “customs partnership” with the EU – which is fiercely opposed by some Tory Brexiteers – is still on the table, the business secretary says.” Read the full article here.

Shared Parental Leave

The Lighter Side     

“Cat videos are so popular on the internet that the act of watching them has become a cliche for describing how to waste your time in bliss. The latest offering is 30-second video of felines curious over a vacuum cleaning robot.” Read the full article here.


“There are not many things that are more endearing than the sound of a baby’s laugh – except for maybe four babies laughing.” Read the full article here.


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