Risk Digest including a report on Britain’s rising sea-levels and more!

Your Risk Digest for the 4th August includes evidence that internet-connected car washes can be hacked to harm people, an article about food banks under-pressure and a report on Britain’s rising sea-levels.

Information Security

“Researchers show they can access an internet-connected car wash using the default password and program it to damage cars or harm people.” Read the full article here.


“Some hats are white, some are black and some are a mix of the two. The researcher that halted May’s crippling WannaCry ransomware campaign by uncovering a kill switch for the code could be of the grey persuasion: He has been picked up by the FBI in Las Vegas for financial cybercrime.” Read the full article here.

Health & Safety

“Three companies working for Crossrail have been fined £1m for three sets of failures, one of which led to the death of a construction worker.” Read the full article here.


“Dame Judith Hackitt’s independent review of building regulations and fire safety is an ‘important step’ towards stopping tragedies like Grenfell Tower, the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) has claimed.” Read the full article here.


Food Safety

“Food banks across the country are coming under pressure as children lose access to free school meals during the summer holidays.” Read the full article here.


“Two men have been sent to prison over a conspiracy to sell 30 tons of horsemeat as beef – most of which entered the food chain.” Read the full article here.


“A major report has found that sea levels around Britain are steadily rising – and the process is speeding up.” Read the full article here.


“Major car makers are being accused of clutching at straws after they agreed to fit software to 5m diesel vehicles in Germany to reduce harmful emissions by up to 30%.” Read the full article here.


“Low-income and disadvantaged Australians are bearing the brunt of energy price rises caused by policy uncertainty, a new report has found.” Read the full article here.


“According to the regulator, Ofgem, it is possible to save about £300 a year if you switch your gas and electricity provider.” Read the full article here.


“Apple’s next iPhone is expected to feature facial-recognition technology and an edge-to-edge display, if design leaks are to be believed.” Read the full article here.


“We take a closer look at the 10.6in Samsung Galaxy Book. Can it usurp the Microsoft Surface as the king of Windows 10 hybrids?” Read the full article here.


“Fifteen billion pounds. For those of you who’ve lived through the past decade – crisis after crisis, of governments routinely spending enormous amounts to bail out their banks – that might not sound like a lot of money.” Read the full article here.


“Need a credit card? Here are this month’s cheapest deals, whatever your circumstances.” Read the full article here.


“New car registrations were weak again in July, sending another strong signal of weakening consumer confidence ahead of Brexit.” Read the full article here.


“One of the UK’s biggest business lobby groups has urged the cabinet to stop “dancing around the edges” of Brexit.” Read the full article here.

The Lighter Side    

“A Boeing jet has drawn an outline of a plane by flying over America using GPS tracking. During the stunt, the 787 Dreamliner will have travelled further than any commercial route in operation around the world.” Read the full article here.


“These beautifully timed photos show an energetic and colourful amphibian showing off its self-defence moves. The quirky green flying frog was snapped by wildlife photographer Edy Pamungkas near his home in Jombang, Indonesia.” Read the full article here.


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