Risk Digest: Millions more Equifax Customers data has been breached.

Equifax confirm that “millions more customers have had data compromised”, Britain’s carbon emissions have descended, Tech City UK have broadcasted the 26 technology companies joining its Future Fifty programme and more!

Information Security

“Oh dear. Millions more customers have had their data compromised, Equifax confirms” Read the full article here.


“About 55% of organisations in a recent survey were compromised by ransomware in 2017, down from 61% in 2016.” Read the full article here.

Health & Safety

“A modular building company that accused a worker of lying and making up a claim over an accident at work has been ordered to pay the painter and decorator £320,000 in damages.” Read the full article here.

“A 16 year old apprentice joiner fell approximately 4m from a scaffold platform, Sheffield Magistrates’ Court heard.” Read the full article here.


“You can’t get much more British than pie. Whether sweet or savoury, we love the stuff, from the tip of Cornwall to the top of Scotland. We’ve been eating it in all its glorious iterations for centuries, and Mintel research has suggested we spend £1 billion on pie per year.” Read the full article here. 


“One in 20 diners have walked out of a restaurant without paying, according to a study.” Read the full article here.


“The Arctic winter has ended with more news that is worrying even the scientists who watch the effects of climate change closely.” Read the full article here.


“Britain’s carbon emissions have sunk to the level last seen in 1890 – the year before penalties were first awarded in football.” Read the full article here.


“Ofgem has signalled tougher price controls for energy firms that could knock up to £25 a year off the average household gas and electricity bill.” Read the full article here.


“Researchers at Imperial College London have warned against the use of renewable energy models that fail to take into account the reliability of supply.” Read the full article here.

Mental Health


“The 12th Health and Wellbeing @ Work conference, taking place on 6/7 March 2018 at the NEC in Birmingham has highlighted the crucial need for communication, support, training, leadership and culture shifts.” Read the full article here.

“A five-a-day style health campaign has been launched in Suffolk urging people to take action to look after their mental wellbeing.” Read the full article here.


“Tech City UK has announced the names of the 26 new technology companies joining its Future Fifty programme.” Read the full article here.


“Owners of Oculus Rift headsets could not use their devices for almost a day due to an administrative oversight.” Read the full article here.

Financial Conduct


“Theresa May looked to soothe financiers concerns this evening by promising a room full of investors that the City won’t lose its status as a finance hub post-Brexit.” Read the full article here.


“The finance director of NHS Tayside is to retire as it is revealed the health board’s funding gap is widening.” Read the full article here.


“Brexit should not overshadow plans to boost growth, a business lobby group conference will be told on Thursday.” Read the full article here.


“Scottish and UK ministers will meet for further Brexit talks later with still no agreement on who should exercise powers which return from Brussels.” Read the full article here.

The Lighter Side     

“A Perth family has found the world’s oldest known message in a bottle, almost 132 years after it was thrown into the sea, Australian experts say.” Read the full article here.


“Amazon’s Echo is emitting chilling laughter and refusing to do what is asked of it.” Read the full article here.


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