Risk Digest: Plastic Contamination in Bottled Water + More

Plastic particles found in bottled water, the uncertain future of 1p coins, ISO45001 and more!

Information Security

“The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has launched a GDPR awareness campaign aimed at people running micro-businesses – those employing fewer than 10 people.” Read the full article here.

“Government, industry, system operators and the engineering profession are being called upon to improve cyber-security and develop the internet of things in a secure and trusted way.” Read the full article here.

ISO 45001 Published

Health & Safety

“The UK leads the way in workplace safety. And our regulations and management of workplace health and safety have been the envy of many industrial countries. But there are weaknesses in the system, particularly when it comes to standards of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), the last line of defence for most employees.” Read the full article here.

“Every day, thousands of lives are lost due to work accidents or fatal diseases linked to work activities. These are deaths that could and should have been prevented, and must be in the future. ISO 45001 aims to help organizations do just that. Here, Kristian Glaesel and Charles Corrie tell us how the new standard will bring safety to the front line.” Read the full article here.


“Forget the Brits and the Grammys. Baftas? Small fry. Think last week’s Oscars were the highlight of awards season? Think again. Last night, politicians, celebs and industry members descended on London’s Park Plaza Westminster Bridge hotel for the main event: the sixth British Kebab Awards.” Read the full article here.

“The World Health Organisation (WHO) is launching a plastic health review after nearly every branded bottle of water tested in the largest investigation of its kind contained tiny particles of the material.” Read the full article here.


“The world’s greatest forests could lose more than half of their plant species by the end of the century unless nations ramp up efforts to tackle climate change, according to a new report on the impacts of global warming on biodiversity hotspots.” Read the full article here.

“Airbus is testing a big harpoon to snare rogue or redundant satellites and pull them out of the sky.” Read the full report here.


“Stakeholders across the energy, automotive and technology industries are being invited to give their views on developing standards for smart electric vehicle (EV) charging.” Read the full article here.

“The UK Government has been accused of treating air quality as a “box-ticking exercise” and is being urged to take “bold, meaningful action”.” Read the full article here.


“I’m not sure all roles benefit from flexible working. It depends on your company and career stage. At Beautystack, the startup I founded last year, the pace of change is massive.” Read the full article here.

“When was the last time you felt truly happy? The kind of happy where you feel as if you just won an Olympic gold? It’s an amazing, but often fleeting, feeling. And many of us don’t get enough of it.” Read the full article here.


“Internet giants face higher taxes in Britain after the Treasury said it favoured introducing a levy on revenues earned in the UK.” Read the full article here.

“Why Academics, Developers, And Politicians Must Collaboratively Contemplate AI. Let’s listen to the experts, and make sure the profit-minded players are listening too” Read the full article here.


“The Treasury could be paving the way for the end of 1p and 2p coins as it seeks views on the future of cash.” Read the full article here.

“The Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Bill currently going through Parliament gives ministers the chance to act quickly and decisively, if they accept Labour’s demands to take it.” Read the full article here.


“Ireland’s prime minister has warned that Brexit threatens the Good Friday agreement and could “drive a wedge” between Britain and Ireland.” Read the full article here.

“The tempo is picking up around the Brexit negotiations ahead of next week’s summit of EU leaders. “Nine days left. Stay tuned,” tweeted Germany’s Brexit co-ordinator. Much of the work is the painstaking rewriting of documents.” Read the full article here.

The Lighter Side     

“A National Trust venue has sparked outrage among Cornish cream tea lovers after publishing a picture showing a scone with cream spread before the jam.” Read the full article here.

“A polar bear cub has been born in the UK for the first time in 25 years at a Scottish wildlife park. The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) said its resident female polar bear Victoria gave birth at the Highland Wildlife Park.” Read the full article here.


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