Risk Digest: TSB Customer Data Chaos +more

TSB customer data chaos, Britain’s first working day without coal power, three steps to eliminate workplace stress and more.

Information Security

“Millions of electronic door locks fitted to hotel rooms worldwide have been found to be vulnerable to a hack.” Read the full article here.


“The boss of TSB has taken personal charge of the botched handling of an IT upgrade that involved one of the biggest transfers of banking data ever attempted in the UK.” Read the full article here.

Health & Safety

“The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) has launched a new awareness-raising campaign on dangerous substances.” Read the full article here.

“Two companies with safety-related products and a specialist safety consultancy have been awarded the Queen’s Awards for Enterprise and Queen’s Awards for Innovation, in an annual tradition that forms part of the Queen’s birthday celebrations.” Read the full article here.


“From caviar chosen in bad taste to presidents throwing up, food has over the years played a considerable part in diplomatic get-togethers.” Read the full article here.


“Vegetable-based products such as soya steaks or vegetarian sausages marketed as meat substitutes are to be banned in France for “misleading” consumers.” Read the full article here.


“UK supermarkets and food companies launched a new voluntary pledge to cut plastic packaging on Thursday as ministers consider forcing them to pay more towards collecting and recycling the waste they produce.” Read the full article here.


“Most low-lying atoll islands are likely to become uninhabitable by the middle of the century, according to a new study.” Read the full article here.

Solar Panels


“[Last] Friday was Britain’s first ever working day without coal power since the Industrial Revolution, according to the National Grid.” Read the full article here.


“A council says it has increased investment in its own energy firm by £6.7m since November.” Read the full article here.

Mental Health


“Nearly two-thirds (64 per cent) of construction workers want better physical and mental wellbeing support from their employers, new research has revealed.” Read the full article here.

“Over 12 million working days were lost due to work-related stress, depression or anxiety in 2016/17, according to the Health and Safety Executive. During Stress Awareness Month Dr Philip McCrea, Chief Medical Officer of BHSF Occupational Health, shines a light on the problem and offers his top tips to help eliminate stress in the workplace.” Read the full article here.


“Facebook’s chief technology officer is to promise MPs that the social network will act to make political advertising far more transparent for UK users.” Read the full article here.


“WhatsApp is raising the minimum age requirement to use the service to 16 in the European Union, ahead of the introduction of new EU privacy laws in May.” Read the full article here.

Pension IGCs


“Deutsche Bank is slashing its investment banking operations after admitting it is “not strong enough”, in a major restructure which puts thousands of UK jobs at risk.” Read the full article here.


“People planning to retire early this year will suffer an annual hit of over £3,000, according to new research from pensions provider Prudential.” Read the full article here.


“Campaigners for a referendum on the Brexit deal are promising the “biggest ever pro-European march”, as their hopes grow for a fresh public vote.” Read the full article here.


“The EU does not need the City of London, and Theresa May’s “pleading” for a special deal for the UK’s financial services sector will not be rewarded, the EU’s chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, has said.” Read the full article here.

The Lighter Side     

“One of the most annoying things in the world is getting chewing gum stuck to your shoe – but what if your shoe was already made of chewing gum?” Read the full article here.


“Some Eurovision fans are finding the list of items banned from the contest this year “hilarious”.” Read the full article here.


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