Risk Digest: Using Mobile Apps to Improve Wellbeing – plus more

Equifax apologises for imposter website, Iceland Food Limited has been fined £2.5 million, using a mobile app to improve mental health and more articles from around the web.

Information Security

“Credit rating firm Equifax has apologised after it mistakenly directed some customers to an imposter website via its Twitter page.” Read the full article here.


“Malware hidden behind Avast’s CCleaner software has been designed to attack technology giants such as Cisco, Samsung, Intel, VMware and Google, according to further research by Cisco’s Talos security team.” Read the full article here.

Health & Safety

“The head of corporate safety at a major Hong Kong-based multinational rail operator has been elected to become president of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).” Read the full article here.


“Iceland Foods Limited has been fined £2.5 million at a sentencing hearing at Grimsby Crown Court, following a fatal accident at the company’s store in Rotherham.” Read the full article here.


“9Nine Brand Foods Ltd is recalling its Super Seeds Breakfast Apricot & Strawberry Bar” Read the full article here.


“The FSA has today published official statistics on food law enforcement” Read the full article here.


“Highways England are looking to put a stop to lazy drivers who don’t bother to bin their rubbish.” Read the full article here.


“Combining 2 nature reserves at Hesketh in Lancashire marks great step forward for conservation and flood resilience.” Read the full article here.


“A pumped hydro project that reuses an old goldmine in north Queensland is close to securing federal funding.” Read the full article here.


“Energy bills across the UK are rising at their fastest rate in more than three years, dealing a sharp blow to savers as wages remain stagnant, new data reveals.” Read the full article here.


“Holidays, procrastination and drug-taking were once ways to escape work. Now leisure has been reappropriated to aid work. So is anything actually considered unproductive nowadays?” Read the full article here.


“Girls at some of London’s top schools will be asked to track their emotions on a mobile phone app to help improve their mental health.” Read the full article here.


“Amazon is planning to release a pair of Alexa-enabled smartglasses as the latest addition to its range of voice-controlled devices, according to reports.” Read the full article here.


“An artificial intelligence (AI) powered chatbot is being put to work in the The Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (HPFT) to provide a digital version of team-building and coaching.” Read the full article here.

Pension IGCs


“A visit to the car showrooms around north London gives a stark illustration of how British consumers have driven themselves almost £60bn into the red.” Read the full article here.


“The yen edged up 0.3% against the dollar on Friday after North Korea suggested it might test a hydrogen bomb over the Pacific Ocean.” Read the full article here.


“Although ministers will be briefed on the prime minister’s important EU speech for the first time this morning, when cabinet meets, they are not coming to it completely blind.” Read the full article here.


“On Friday, Theresa May will use the Catholic church of Santa Maria Novella in Florence to set out her vision of Britain’s future with a speech intended for the ears of EU leaders who regard Brexit as a different sort of betrayal.” Read the full article here.

The Lighter Side    

“The six women who wore identical dresses to a Sydney wedding say they laughed about the clashing outfits rather than cringe in embarrassment.” Read the full article here.


“Dramatic images of galaxies, moons and auroras have been showcased in a prestigious photography competition.” Read the full article here.


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