Cyber security is put to the test more and more nowadays, we have been reading up on ‘Tomorrow’s Buildings’ as they have so much more technology to do with them.

BBC recently published a post ‘Tomorrow’s Buildings: Help! My building has been hacked

Here at Assent Risk Management we thought we’d give you some more information on how to maximise protection of ‘Tomorrow’s Buildings’ and also your organisation, which is equally important.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things (IoT) is the concept of connecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet (and/or to each other).

IoT is simple, it is about connecting devices over the internet, letting them talk to us, applications, and each other. IoT is a giant network of connected “things” (which also includes people). The relationship will be between people-people, people-things, and things-things.

Recently there has been talk of ‘Smart Fridges’ and other household appliances, meaning ‘Connected Homes’ which can tell you, for example, when you are out of milk or if someone is at your door.

All these devices will have a cloud service attached, and will be connected to the internet via Wi-Fi or Plugin.

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Find out more on the Internet of Things (IoT) here: &


What do your Customers want?

Everyone’s home is their castle and they are protective over their privacy. Here are 3 points that we picked out as the most important:

  • They want to know that their Data is Safe
  • They want the added reassurance to give them Piece of Mind
  • They want their Trust in your Product NOT to be Damaged, e.g. Bad Press/Reports (vTech, TalkTalk)

Enter ISO 27001

ISO 27001 is part of a family of international standards designed to help organisations manage information security risks.

The standard provides you with controls to help you manage risk and combat the incidents that occur.Mitarbeiter bei Schulung

Having your Information Security management system certified by an external UKAS accredited assessment body publically demonstrates your commitment to protecting your customers’ data and can give you a significant advantage. This will also prove to customers that they can trust you. Find out more on Why choose a UKAS Certification Body.


Implementing Information Security to ISO 27001 requires careful planning and control, and our consultants are trained in project management to help you keep things on track.

Keep up with the tech leaders are certified to ISOs, for example Apple, Samsung, Microsoft.

Find out more here: &

Enter ISO 27018

With the number of cloud services in daily use higher than ever before, those providing services in the cloud are challenged with finding ways to demonstrate good information governance and information security practices.

While there are several schemes around, including CSA’s STAR Certification, ISO 27018 perhaps provides the easiest route for organisations who are already ISO 27001 Certified.

Find out more here:

Enter Cyber Essentials

The UK government has developed the Cyber Essentials Scheme to provide a basic set of technical controls that organisations can apply to reduce their vulnerability to cyber threats.

Find out more here:

Enter STAR Certification

The Cloud Security Alliance and BSI have partnered to develop a certification scheme dedicated to the security of cloud services.

STAR Certification has been designed as an enhancement to ISO27001 and a response to growing business concerns over the security of Cloud services.

Find out more here:

Want to know more or have any questions?

If you would like any more information or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us on 020 3432 2854 or via either our specialist Tech Risk website or our Risk Management website.


Original Author:  Assent Risk Management

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