Tag Europe

EU-US Agree ‘Privacy Shield’

Following the break down of the Safe Harbour Agreement last October (2015), it looked difficult for EU and US authorities to agree a new deal to ensure adequate safe guards for personal data transferred and processed in the US. Despite…

EU General Data Protection Regulation a Step Closer

EU Data Protection Law Reform. The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) to replace Data Protection Directive GDPR expected to come in to force from 2018. Increased Penalties & Requirements. Original Author: Assent Risk Management Original Links:    European Data Protection Law…

In short: The Paris Agreement; History is Made.

Original Author: Assent Risk Management Original Links: http://www.assentriskmanagement.co.uk/blog/comments.php?y=15&m=12&entry=entry151214-153340   For two weeks, the leaders of almost 200 countries have been residing in Paris to take part in negotiations about climate change. Now, a deal has been struck which will see all countries…