Risk Digest: 17th March 2017

Here’s your Risk Digest for the Week Ending 17th March 2017.

Information Security

Whatsapp security problem leaves millions of users exposed to hackers

A “severe” security problem with WhatsApp could have left “hundreds of millions” of accounts vulnerable to hackers, according to researchers that discovered a flaw in the app.


Millions of US employee records leaked

Details of more than 33 million US employees – including military staff – have been released online, according to a security researcher.


Construction Design and Management Regs

Health & Safety

The rise of DSE and the implications for safety managers

Recent research has revealed the extent of the use of display screen equipment (DSE) in the workplace and related concerns regarding eyesight.


Construction firm fined after worker fell from height

Construction company Kier Construction Limited has been fined £400,000 after a worker fell from height.


£160,000 fine for aircraft company after workers fall from tail of plane

An aircraft engineering company has been fined after two men fell about 15 feet while they were carrying out checks at the tail of an aeroplane.


Cyber Security Training


The Health and Safety (Various Amendments) Regulations 2017

Amendments have been made to The Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 and to five sets of regulations to make minor corrections and clarify existing regulations.


The Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017

The government has provided further information regarding the Gender Pay Gap Regulations, which will require that companies with more than 250 employees must annually publish information regarding the difference in average pay for male and female employees.



Blog: Is burning wood more harmful to the environment than we think?

Wood is one of the largest sources of energy used worldwide, over two billion people use wood energy or heat. But how bad does the combustion of wood effect our environment?


“Oldest plants on Earth” found

The origins of plants may go back hundreds of millions of years earlier than previously thought, according to fossil evidence.


Energy Saving


UK climate policies “aren’t pushing up power bills”

Britain’s efforts to tackle climate change and improve energy efficiency are not to blame for soaring household energy bills, the government’s climate advisers said in a report on Thursday.


Seawater could provide the solution to South Australia’s power woes

The federal government has announced a $2 billion plan to expand the iconic Snowy Hydro scheme. It will carry out a feasibility study into the idea of adding “pumped hydro” storage capacity, which it says could power up to 500,000 homes.


Mental Health


Are “Wearables” the future of healthcare?

DigitalHealth.London, said wearables are starting to play an important role in empowering patients and challenging the current patient-clinician dynamic in the health and care systems.


Losing your smartphone is “almost as stressful as a terror threat”

The prospect of losing a smartphone stresses people out almost as much as the fear of a terror attack, a new study has shown.


Cloud Security


Blog: the next smartphone could bend, fold and even roll

Doesn’t it irritate you when you finally purchase the latest iPhone 7 plus, only to discover it’s large 6.23inch long screen won’t fit into your jean pocket? Well that problem may soon enough be resolved!


Driverless cars could lead to complacency

Certain types of driverless vehicles may not be safe, peers have warned. Over-reliance on technology could mean drivers react slowly to taking back control of a semi-autonomous vehicle in an emergency, they said.



Spain’s UK expats could face Brexit citizenship dilemma

It was the morning after the Brexit referendum, and Helen Darbishire was in for a rude awakening. “I leapt out of bed and started screaming every swear word in every language I know,” she recalls.


Scottish independence referendum: “now is not the time”

The UK government is to reject calls for a Scottish independence referendum before Brexit after Theresa May said “now is not the time”.


The Lighter Side

Charity shop accidentally sells electrician’s tools for £1

An electrician who volunteered his services to a charity shop as a favour had his toolbox of expensive equipment accidentally sold for £1 when he popped outside.


For £3mil an entire US town could be yours

For a mere £3.1 million an entire US town could be yours. All but two properties in the town of Tiller, Oregon are up for sale. Included in the 29 lots are seven homes, six outbuildings, a former school, a shop, and a power sub-station.



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